Karen and I rented a house in Mountain View, Missouri where the Lyon Clan gathered to celebrate Jack Lyon’s 88 years on this planet. Pa’s four kids and their spouses, three grandkids, one with spouse and one with boyfriend and one great-grandchild made it to the birthday bash.

Willow Springs’ 4th of July Parade happened on the 3rd and our group had front row seats next to the announcer’s platform at the 4-way stop on Main Street.

Dr. Bob Shaw, with his lovely wife Janet, was the Grand Marshal. The Shaws are Lyon family friends from way back and Dr. Bob is also Pa’s personal physician.

The Willow Springs’ high school band marched, there were hoppy dancers, hog riders, lots of veterans, loads of fire fighting equipment, pretty girls and of course vintage tractors. Tons of candy was thrown to gawkers and the tradition of eating candy gathered from the street continued.

The Pickin’ Palace is in the campground outside of Willow Springs where Jean and Becky were camped in RVs. After the parade we found ourselves eating smoked meats and listening to the Pickin’ Palaces “Häus Band.” They play most every Friday night and the awesome smoked hamburgers and pulled pork were 3 bucks each.

Dad orchestrated hamburgers for the residents where he lives in the West Wing of Willow Care on the 4th of July. Dinner was at 4: 30pm so we had some time to explore the Ozarks. We started with a morning hike at Grand Gulf State Park near Thayer, MO. It’s billed as Missouri’s “Little Grand Canyon” with 130′, sheer cliff walls.

The trickle of water from this cliff face belied the flood that can occur during heavy rains that fill the gorge to the brim. Water from the gorge emerges 9-miles away in Mammoth Springs.

Mammoth Springs in Thayer, Mo is at the foot of a steep hill where my Grandma Rensink lived with her sister. The area has been developed into a park with a museum since I last visited 50 years ago and marveled that we could safely drink the spring’s 58-degree water.

A mind-boggling 9.78-million gallons of water flows from Mammoth Springs every hour creating Spring River.

Our adventure group ate an early lunch at Fred’s Fish House on Main Street in Mammoth Springs, AR. I can remember my dad talking about eating here when he was a kid. They serve incredible, locally-caught walleye and catfish.

Back at Willow Care, Dad presided over the burger bash inside with the residents. We were parked in the pavilion out back. Truthfully, we invited ourselves to this shindig. Ms Megan and Ms Harley fixed us up with drinks, burgers, potato salad and all the fixins delivered on carts. Dad joined us and the gab fest lasted till dusk.