by | Feb 17, 2022 | Hiking, Hiking, Travel
It took millions of years for the Little River to carve its 600-foot-deep canyon into the flat top of the narrow southwestern ridge of the Cumberland Plateau that stretches 75-miles from Chattanooga, Tennessee across northwestern Georgia and ends in Gadsden, Alabama....
by | Feb 11, 2022 | Hiking, Travel, Water Falls
I was curious about DeSoto Falls’ name and found that Hernando de Soto Left Tampa, FL in 1540 with 600 conquistadors on a 4,000-mile trek north that included South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and ALABAMA. Along...
by | Feb 3, 2022 | Hiking, Travel, Water Falls
Pisgah is a Hebrew word meaning “peak, height, cliff.” It is the name of the summit on Mount Nebo where Moses first caught sight of the Promised Land. In the US there are 12 states with towns named Pisgah, as well as, Pisgah Crater, Pisgah Branch Creek,...
by | Jan 27, 2022 | Hiking, Hiking, Tennessee, Travel, Water Falls
With a population of 2,500, Sewanee is quite quaint and surprisingly forward for a hamlet in middle Tennessee. Local custom dictates tapping the roof of your vehicle, while passing through impressive stone gates to enter town. The pointed arches , ribbed vaults and...