by | Jun 30, 2019 | Travel
On Sunday (6-16-19) Karen and I left Logan and drove south through Salt Lake City. Karen had to work Monday and Tuesday in Sandy, UT and we stayed two nights in a hotel there. But, Sunday was a day for play. I left downtown in time to meet Karen after work and took...
by | Jun 23, 2019 | Events, Travel
After a rough ride on a delayed flight to Salt Lake City, UT we arrived at 2:00AM Friday (6-14-19). Karen and I crashed at the Tru by Hilton near the airport for the remainder of a restless night before driving to Logan, Utah....
by | Jun 4, 2019 | Events, North Carolina, Travel
Saturday, June 1, 2019 was the annual American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day and Carolina Thread Trail hosted a celebration on the Goat Island Greenway in Cramerton, NC. It was not an average day of hiking for us. We mixed a festival with a nice stroll in...
by | May 23, 2019 | North Carolina, Travel
On Saturday (5-18-19) Karen and I set out to do some hiking at McGalliad Falls Park in Valdese, NC. Karen saw pretty pictures of the place in a photo shoot and we were looking for a new location to explore. We didn’t get to hike much, but we had a great time and...
by | May 22, 2019 | North Carolina
Karen’s mom Helen came to visit us for Mother’s Day weekend and we kept her dance card full. Charlotte celebrated its 250th anniversary this year. The year-long celebration of CLT250 was a festival of music, food and art called “SHOUT!” that...