After weeks of relentless heat and humidity, Saturday’s deluge brought cooler temperatures followed by a picture-perfect Sunday (7-9-18). Karen and I broke out our folding bikes and headed uptown to cycle Charlotte’s sights and soak up the day.

Mecklenburg County has planned 129 miles of Greenways in and around Charlotte. So far, only 49 miles have been built.

Over 100 years ago streetcars ran the rails along this greenway’s path. Blue Blaze Brewing makes a nice rest stop at trail’s end in Lakewood Park before heading back toward Uptown.

Had the day not been so pleasant, we might have taken a cooling plunge under the wall fountains in Romare Bearden Park.

We took the trail under the railroad trestle behind Uptown Stadium and stopped for a selfie to share a little Panther Pride.