A gloomy Sunday seemed like the perfect day to head for the Dania Beach Arts and Seafood Festival, conveniently located next door to the newly opened Casino@Dania Beach.

They are still adding the finishing touches on the building, but inside was clean and Karen turned the free $20 play they gave her into $58 on a dollar slot machine. We walked out winners.

Heaps of seafood beckoned from a row of stands.

Sweet Tea is all the rage in country songs and fairs. This guy sells unlimited refills with the purchase of a $7 tin mug. Nice racket.

A true “Roach Coach.” This VW Beetle Limo is ironically anti-bug.

The music was free. The bands were mediocre.

The event was miles from the beach, but the sand sculptures were still very cool.

I was admiring this artwork, when I looked past it and noticed a lady with her bicycle sitting at a police post. It struck me as a BEFORE & AFTER shot, or what happens if you don’t, “DIE YOUNG.”

The “AFTER” you don’t, “DIE YOUNG.”

These vintage British bikes were limited in number, but very classy.

Good conch salad is hard to come by outside the Bahamas. This guy knew what he was doing.

New England seafood is not that common in south Florida, but Red Zeppelin was doing a brisk business. I think the name appealed to all the old Boomers in attendance.

Nothing says south florida quite like fried gator-on- a stick! Take that Red Zeppelin. It was a low-key affair on a gloomy day, but we had a swell time and won some cash to boot.