Our good friend Haley took time after a long day at work to give Karen and me a private tour of the Miami Dolphins newly renovated stadium. Recently renamed Hard Rock, the Dolphins will have it made in the shade for 2016.

The newly renovated Hard Rock Stadium is impressive the moment you approach from the main entrance.

The pictures of Hard Rock Stadium’s changes over the years illustrate the vast improvements.

An aerial view, before the lid went on, of the improvements made for the 2015 season.

Dolphin fans know, “It’s all about the shade.” Flip-flops, bikini tops and short shorts are common game attire.

Karen inspects the stadium model during our tour of the cool new lounges and indoor, elite hang outs.

We got to go down by the field for a closeup look at the improvements.

All four corners of the Hard Rock now sport a giant monitor. I love the way the field looks before it’s striped.

Our seats are up there in section 341 to the right of the monitor. Not the closest to the 50-yard line, but some of the coolest in the house. We went with a breeze and the shade. GO FINS!