Saturday (1-27-18) was cool, overcast and dreary. A perfect day for a driving tour in York County, South Carolina. We headed to Fort Mill for lunch and some sight seeing. This area is an easy drive from Charlotte in a region where we have done little exploration.

We ate lunch in Fort Mill’s old and newly refurbished downtown block. After an excellent burger and brew at Hobo’s, we walked across the street to Amor Artis Brewing’s taste room which has been open for less than a week.

While remodeling Amor Artis Brewing they uncovered the General Merchandise sign on the brick wall and discovered it was painted during the Civil War. A yoga class is held in this room prior to opening and the Ladies hang around for an included free beer afterward. The red door in the wall has a sign that says, “This is not a door.” I like this place.

Our next stop in nearby Rock Hill was the Museum of York County. They have over 1,000 exhibits and their taxidermy was super lifelike.

Notice how the closest heads on the top row of antlered critters all seem to be looking right at the camera.

This was my first encounter with a Fanged Deer and it looked imposing. The Museum of York County had some great surprises.

The bones of Jefferson’s Ground Sloth were discovered by our former president in a Virginia cave during the 1700s. I never knew such a thing existed. This could be “Big Foot’s” ancestor.

We took in two shows featuring the planet Mars and the Super-, Blue-, Blood-Moon that’s scheduled to arrive on 1-31-18. Spoiler alert, it’s not blue or bloody, but it will have a partial eclipse. At 8-bucks a ticket, the Museum of York County is a bargain.

Built in 1925, the Lake Wylie Dam was our last stop before heading home. I’d seen it many times from my boat on Lake Wylie and always wanted to see the view from the Catawba River.
With a loosely planned itinerary and adventurous spirit we had a great time traipsing around York County in South Carolina. You just never know until you go!