Quaint little towns love outdoor festivals and a traditional side dish is all Cleveland, Tennessee needs to throw their annual ” National Hot Slaw and Art Y’all Festival.” What sets hot slaw apart from the garden variety is a concoction of mustard, mayo and each maker’s secret sauce.

Art and food vendors fan out along several blocks surrounding the central courthouse. The Appalachian String Band commanded the main stage on the courthouse steps where we ate our lunch. There were two more music stages on side streets with various bands keeping the vibe lively.

Local artists encouraged kids to help with creating sidewalk chalk art around the town square gazebo.

All the food vendors and a few art vendors sold samples of their super-secret hot slaw in little paper cups. Various hot peppers seemed to be the main mystery ingredient. BEWARE OF THE GHOST PEPPERS. They are not named after apparitions of the dead for nothing.

It was clear and warm on this April Fools’ Day 2023, but the winds were ferocious with gusts up to 50mph. Canopies, merchandise, food containers and personal belongings became airborne hazards with every big blow.

The raging winds cut down on visitors’ attendance, but local staples like this dance troupe were undaunted. Cleveland’s hot slaw pride could not be blown away.

We see lots of leashed and stroller-riding dogs at street festivals. This Pit Bull and Wiener Dog mix stood out.

The festival streets were blocked off for pedestrians’ safety, but if you preferred not to walk, riding motorized animals was no problem.

Festivals are all about supporting local merchants and Karen had no problem backing this one. Overall, our blustery introduction to hot slaw made for a fun and entertaining day. Just watch out for slaws with peppers named Caroline Reaper, Trinidad Scorpion, Ghost and Naga Viper. They’ll bite you back. They don’t call it Hot Slaw for nothin’.