Wednesday evening (4-20-16) Karen and I took a dinner cruise to the Quarterdeck on the Dania Pier for dinner. The moon was full, the wind was howling and the variation of boats we encountered drove home the point that size does matter.

Freighters were busy loading when we crossed Port Everglades. Note the tug nudging the container ship into a tight spot at the dock.

The sky was threatening but the Quarterdeck was cozy inside. Wednesday nights feature a prime rib special.

We met Rich Brand camping overnight on the Dania Pier. His kayak was 19-feet long and only 2-feet wide. He paddled it from New Orleans and was going to New York where he would turn west, cross the Great Lakes and then down the rivers from Chicago back to New Orleans. His story was fascinating. You can follow him at

On the way home we passed the MS Independence of the Seas which is currently the world’s largest cruise ship. She can accommodate 4,370 passengers and 1,360 crew.

Luxury yachts under the full moon at Pier 66 for people who don’t want to travel with a horde, but still not as austere as Rich’s kayak. There’s a boat out there for everyone. You just have to figure out what kind of boating you’re planning on doing and get on the water.