We purchased our “Tasters’ Wristbands” for twenty-bucks each and headed down Main Street in Lincolnton, NC just before noon on Saturday (4-22-2017) to sample offerings from local brewers and wine makers. The crowd was sparse and lines nearly nonexistent on a warm day with a good breeze and wispy clouds.

Main Street in Lincolnton was closed to traffic. The Lincolnton County Court House loomed large at the end of the drag. Karen with her souvenir taster’s glass at the ready.
The first vendor I encountered was a gal who leaned from the window of a big, blue bus and yelled, “Sir, you want a big woodie this morning, don’t you?” “Doesn’t everyone?” I shot back. We were off to a fun and surprising start.
The Ole Dallas Brewery served up an awesome Ole George’s Porter that was my favorite of the day. I even liked their slogan, “Founded on the principles that family, friends, fellowship and good beer can brighten even the darkest days.”
I’ve not seen better body painting since my last visit to Fantasy Fest in Key West. After complementing the artist and the living canvass I was told they planned to attend Key West’s festivities in October.

It takes a bit of bravado to to offer yourself up as a living canvass. It also helps to be cute and have a nice bod.
Karen chose to support one of the local eateries on Main Street when we stopped for lunch at Central Cafe. It was a great idea. The owner gave us the celebrity treatment and showed me pictures of his home and food he’d created. After my personal tour of his kitchen he even promised to invite us to his house for a dinner party in the near future. He made such a fuss over us, one of his patrons thought we must be famous and asked me, “Are you John Malkovich.” Now that’s a first.

The owner made a special antipasto dish for Karen after we ate an excellent salad and pulled pork sandwich. He only charged me eight bucks for the dish that wasn’t even on the menu.
There was a small farmers’ market, a couple of dozen arts and crafts booths and a smattering of food vendors, but the winery and brewery exhibitors were definitely the big draw. The Lincolnton locals and everybody we met at the festival could not have been nicer or more friendly. There will be no confusion about where to go when this event returns next year.