Lumberjaxe of Charlotte had their grand opening on Saturday (12-2-17). Their announcement promised, D9 and Resident Culture Breweries would serve beer, raffles for prizes, a food truck and hurling sharp, metal objects at wooden targets. I asked Karen, “How can we not try this?”

Who knew heaving axes could be so popular? The friendly Lumberjaxe staff signed us up for one of the few remaining slots at 2;30pm. They also made us sign waivers, as if this could be dangerous.
Throwing axes for sport originated in Canada, which could explain why drinking beer while doing it is traditional.

Lumberjaxe’s expert coaches taught us how to hold the axe, where to stand and gave tips on adjusting our style when the things wouldn’t stick in the target. I asked, “Why do they call this hatchet an axe?” His quick reply,”Because ‘Lumberhatchets’ doesn’t sound cool.”
The throwing line is 14-feet from the target. It doesn’t sound like much until you start flinging steel.

The target are made of pine and they get mangled in a hurry. They are put up in sections so the whole thing doesn’t have to be replaced if throwers favor the same slat.
Throwing axes is like throwing darts on steroids. There are also axe throwing leagues.
The rules are simple, throwing is a challenge and we had a great time. I won free play for an hour for four people in the raffle and can’t wait to go back and throw more axes with some uninitiated friends.