Governor McMaster made South Carolina’s stay-at-home order voluntary and the beautiful weekend that followed resulted in cooped up “Palmetto State” residents out in force. On Saturday (5-2-2020) we drove to 40 Acre Rock Heritage Reserve to hike. The narrow, two-lane road leading to a dead end at the trailhead was lined with parked cars, bumper-to-bumper on both sides for over a mile, when we got there. We abandoned our hike.

A quick Google search led us to the memorial for Buford’s Massacre. On May 29, 1780 British troops ignored the white flag of Americans returning from the fall of Charles Town and slaughtered 113 Patriots who are buried in a mass grave here. Social distancing was not a problem at the somber monument.

We turned our warm and beautiful Saturday into a backroads mini adventure. I envisioned the owner of this property saying, “Bubba, when you log off that ridge, don’t mess up my deer blinds.” The trio of deadly stands should be easier for deer to spot now.

Lancaster locals say Hinson’s Trading Post was, “Over 80 years in the makin’.” I got “You ain’t from around here” looks when I stopped, but couldn’t resist the fuel prices. Hinson’s sells most everything country folks could need, but their “Coldest Beer In Town” was what most people took away while we were there.

Our last stop was Lancaster’s, kid friendly, Benford Brewing.The Benford Bash sign promised live music and food trucks. There was plenty of space available in the parking field.

Guests were not allowed to sample beer, but they let us pick individual cans to make our custom six-pack. We arrived early and left before the masses got there with no worries about close-up socializing.

Sunday was warmer and sunnier. The Lake Wylie boat ramp was packed with pent-up pontooners. There were more boats on the water than we’ve ever encountered in the past. I was thankful for my slip and not having to fight it out to launch LyonsRoar.

We chose a long tributary that provided shelter from the onslaught of boaters in the open water to relax in. I let the boat drift down the inlet and enjoyed the scenery while Karen soaked up sun on the bow.
South Carolina is very much open for business and pleasure. Time will tell how the experiment plays out. We will continue to watch and enjoy the show, from a safe distance.