Sunday (3-13-16) Karen and I joined George and Mary Pat Boué for a St. Patrick’s celebration thrown by Tom and Maureen Shea of Right Management at the Ft. Lauderdale Yacht Club. The food was great, the Guinness cold and the facilities excellent.

click (Ft. Lauderdale Yacht Club) for video

Karen and Mary don the green for grins.

Karen and Mary Pat don the green for grins.









March celebrations in south Florida include palm trees and sunshine.

March celebrations in south Florida include palm trees and sunshine.











A former FLYC commodore's pennant.

A former FLYC commodore’s pennant. Obviously a fun guy.








This was another excellent event by the Shea’s and we were fortunate to be invited. It was my first visit to the FLYC, hopefully not the last. “Sláinte chugat!”