Within about 32 square miles, spread over 33,000 acres, The Villages claims to have the biggest collection, with the most varieties of amenities on the planet. Residents have access to recreation centers, town squares, clubs of every ilk, sporting facilities, parks, trails, waterways and above all, golf. In 2021 there were 60,000 residents with more being built at a feverish pace.

Karen’s twin-brother Keith and his wife Mary recently purchased a home in The Villages and we went to visit them in late February.

With 90-miles and growing of golf cart paths, it’s easy to see why the “Golfers’ Ride” is the residents’ transportation of choice. Carts are not required to be registered, but a current estimate is well over 60,000 carts putting around The Villages.

The Villages are a golfer’s paradise. There are 50 golf courses with 711 holes to play. Custom Golf carts are for show and getting around the links in style.

Town squares are the centers for entertainment activities. The Villages have three of them that offer live music every day of the year.

We attended the Strawberry Festival at Brownwood Paddock Square. Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in spring. I also learned, they are the only berry with seeds on the outside and are part of the rose family.

These gals strutted their stuff at the Strawberry Festival. They are part of The Villages’ Belly Dancing Club.

Lumberjacks threw axes and competed in log rolling at the Strawberry Festival. This wood chopper managed to halve the log he’s standing on without losing any toes.

Keith and Mary taught us how to play pickleball. It was great fun and much easier on old legs than tennis. The game was named after the creator’s dog and has nothing to do with vinegar or sour attitudes. It was fun, but I still can’t figure out how they kept score.

The average age in The Villages is 72. I overheard a man at the square tell his buddy, “This is geezer heaven. I haven’t driven a car in weeks.” We had a great time with Keith and Mary and I logged more golf-cart time in one weekend than the rest of my life combined.