Small town USA parades on the Fourth of July are apple pie and patriotism with homespun fun. My sister Jean, brother Jon and cousin Rocky joined me on Main Street in Willow Springs, Missouri for this year’s celebration Oazark’s style.

Local Harley enthusiasts kicked off the procession with flags flying and thundering exhaust echoing off the historic buildings lining the route.

My favorite adaptation of legendary events in US history was George Washington crossing the Delaware in a johnboat.

Betsy Ross sewed her way into our memories with smiles and laughter from a stake side trailer fresh off a local hayfield.

This lone, homeless hillbilly proudly marched his bicycle with aplomb in the middle of the cavalcade.

Lest you think there was no diversity, a Hare
Krishna devotee from the local community was one of a dozen that proclaimed pride in being Americans. Note the matching Crocs in his orange ensemble.

There were antique cars and a tractor, all ages on horseback, the high school marching band, clowns, pretty girls in convertibles and highly revered veterans in full military dress. When the heavy equipment from local fire departments closed out the pageant the air was saturated with the love of country. God bless the USA!